The OFL Prevention Link program is offering the Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups (ONIWG) free virtual training on The Principles of Accommodation Law. This workshop will increase participants’ understanding of human rights legislation in the area of disability and employment. The course will explore definitions of disability, outline the requirements for requesting and responding to accommodation needs, and what constitutes ‘undue hardship’. Learn from the comfort of you own home with the support of the Prevention Link team!
There are 4 self-paced hours of independent learning and two required online on August 9 (10 – 11:30 a.m.) and August 16 (10 – 11:30 a.m.). Participants will have access to the workshop until Aug. 23.
Free to injured workers. To register fill in the registration form and email it to or send by mail to Prevention Link, 15 Gervais Drive, Suite 202, Toronto, ON M3C 1Y8 Attn.: Admin. Registration deadline: July 25, 2022.